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Testing beacon network on local testnet#

This section explains how one can set up a local testnet together with a beacon network bridge in order to test if all nodes can do the beacon light client sync and stay up to date with the latest head of the chain.

To accomodate this, the script has the option to launch the Fluffy portal_bridge automatically and connect it to node0 of the local tesnet.

Run the local testnet script with bridge#

The script must be launched with the --trusted-block-root cli option. The individual nodes will be started with this trusted-block-root and each node will try to start sync from this block root.

Run the following command to launch the network with the portal_bridge activated for the beacon network.

TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT=0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 # Replace with trusted block root.

# Run the script, start 8 nodes + portal_bridge
./fluffy/scripts/ -n8 --trusted-block-root ${TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT} --portal-bridge

Run the local testnet script and launch the bridge manually#

To have control over when to start or restart the portal_bridge on can also control the bridge manually, e.g. start the testnet:

TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT=0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 # Replace with trusted block root.

# Run the script, start 8 nodes
./fluffy/scripts/ -n8 --trusted-block-root ${TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT}

Next, build and run the portal_bridge for the beacon network:

make portal_bridge

# --rpc-port 10000 = default node0
# --rest-url = access to beacon node API, default
./build/portal_bridge beacon --trusted-block-root:${TRUSTED_BLOCK_ROOT} --rest-url: --backfill-amount:128 --portal-rpc-url: